

Becky Wood

"The world's favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May." -Edwin Way Teale

If you have not yet guessed we LOVE SPRING at B Ann's Boutique.  The promise of new life, new beginnings are represented by the new flowers blooming. It's time to inhale the smell of fresh grass and a time to enjoy the outdoors.  In last month's blog we promised to touch upon the topic of hiking more; with that being said this month's blog we are dedicating to our second favorite past time, hiking (shopping of our course is our first).

Health Benefits of Hiking.  Not only does hiking allow you to reconnect with nature; there are a number of health benefits associated with this great outdoor activity. 

Take Time to Smell the Flowers While Hiking.  Spring is finally here, and the flowers are blooming. Across the region, wildflowers are marking your favorite trails and forests with bursts of color, but look closely – some are more difficult to spot than others! Look for these popular wildflowers, on your next hike.

Bloodroot: This delicate flower has a small, white bloom with a yellow center. The roots contain a red juice that gives this wildflower its name and was used by Native Americans as dye.

Large-flowered Trillium: Trillium are some of the largest wildflowers you’ll find. Look for three distinct petals in shades of white, red and sometimes pink.

Dutchman’s Breeches: This wildflower gets its name from the unique shape of the blooms. Can you see it?

Trout Lily: These yellow blooms are named as such because the markings on the leaves are similar to the markings of a brown or brook trout.

Jack-in-the-Pulpit: This wildflower is also known at Parson-in-the-Pulpit or Plant of Peace because it looks like a minister preaching over their congregation.

Speaking of flowers, check out these great floral finds in our boutique.


The Ten Best Hiking Spots in the United States.  Perhaps you already have a favorite trail; the trail that has that perfect view at the top; however one of the best things about hiking is the discovery of new places.  Be sure and check out these awesome hiking spots.  

Well it's time to hit the trails!  Comment and let us know your favorite hiking spots!

Until Next Time!  Happy Shopping!!!

B Ann's Boutique

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